herbed spiked lemonade
Summer requires lemonade. Preferably, one that’s really refreshing. By this point in the summer, though, you’re probably bored with it – probably because you’ve had one too many glasses of boring lemonade. Fresh herbs provide a bright, invigorating flavor that is just plain perfect for beating the summer heat. This recipe will renew your faith – and interest – in lemonade. This recipe can be made with or without alcohol. If you are making the adult version, you have a lot of options, as infused vodkas are proliferating at a deliciously fast rate. I love mango, so I often use Three Olives Mango in this recipe (if you like mango vodka, try it in my sassy summer sangria, too!). You also could use a cilantro-, berry-, or other fruit-infused vodka. Here in Columbus, our beloved Middle West Spirits makes a fantastic stone fruit vodka that is good with pretty much everything I’ve ever paired it with. I encourage you to explore the infused vodkas that grab your eye – and if you want recipes that will help you use the...
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