nutty vodka gimlet
The vodka gimlet was my very first cocktail. When my parents had guests over, there was always a pitcher on hand, and I would sneak a sip when I could. I don’t know if it was the lime or the hazelnuts that I found more appealing. Yes, you read that correctly: Hazelnuts. After pouring a glass, one or two hazelnuts were dropped in, to be enjoyed at any point during the imbibing process. Once I became old enough to have my own, I would put three or four hazelnuts in my glass. While developing my own vodka gimlet recipe, I wanted to get even more of their flavor incorporated into this drink. Toasting them helps bring out the flavor-intensive oils, as does bashing them around with some ice and an acid in a cocktail shaker. If you’re a little doubtful, trust me on this one – you’ve just got to try it. (Unless, of course, you’re allergic to nuts – then please, don’t try it.) The hazelnut flavor is subtle but enhances both the aroma...
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